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Grant Recipients, 2004-2005

Grant Recipients, 2004-2005

Recipients in the Domestic Region

A. Research Grants

1. Marcus Bingenheimer

Chung-Hwa Institute of Buddhist Studies
An Annotated English Translation and Electronic Comparative Edition of the Bieyi za ahan jing
NTD2,190,000 over 3 years

2. C. Julia Huang

National Tsing Hua University
Engaged Religions and the Public Good in Chinese Societies
NTD3,253,161 over 2 years

3. Wei-Tien Dylan Tsai

National Tsing Hua University
A Comparative Syntactic Study of Affected Arguments in Mandarin and Taiwanese
NTD1,770,000 over 2 years

B.Database Grants

1. Chern Chen

Academia Sinica
German Military Advisers in Taiwan. German and National Chinese Relations during the Cold War, 1963-1975
NTD998,900 over 1 year

C. Conferences and Seminars

1. Ko-wu Huang

Academia Sinica
Textual Translation and Cultural Context: China, Japan and the West Since the Late Ming
July 26-28, 2005

2. Ching-hsi Perng

National Taiwan University
"International Conference on Concepts of Change in Chinese Literature, History and Thought"

D. Publication Subsidies

1. Luisa Shu-ying Chang, Regina Llamas, Fernando Mateos, S.J.

National Taiwan University
Publication of the Diccionario Espanol de la Lengua China by Fernando Mateos, S.J.

Recipients in the American Region

A. Research Grants

1. Jean Ann

State University of New York at Oswego
Taiwan Sign Language Linguistics: Corpus and Perception
$10,000 over six months

2. Grzegorz Ekiert

Harvard University
The Logic of Civil Society: Contentious Politics in New Democracies. The Taiwan Case
$45,000 over 2 years

3. Valentina Georgieva

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Motherly Kindness and Ethics in the Religious Traditions of China
$27,000 over 2 years

4. Tianlong Jiao

Bishop Museum
Investigations into the Neolithic Interactions Across the Taiwan Strait
$25,000 over 2 years

5. Louis A. Komjathy

Pacific Lutheran University
Quanzhen Daoism in Contemporary China
$15,000 over ten months

6. Emerson Niou

Duke University
Neclear Deterrence over China
$25,000 over 2 years

7. Yan Sun

Gettysburg College
Shang and Early Zhou Bronzes from the Upper Reaches of the Han River Valley
$20,000 over 2 years

8. Xiaohe Xu

Mississippi State University
Resources, Gender Ideologies, and Marital Relationships in Chinese Societies: A Comparative Study Across the Taiwan Strait
$49,062 over 2 years

9. Yu Zhou

Vassar College
Taiwanese Investment in the Information Communication Technology Industry in Mainland China: A Study of Beijing, Shanghai-Suzhou, and Shenzhen-Dongguan City Regions
$53,420 over 2 years

B. Conferences and Seminars

1. Banning Garrett

The Atlantic Council of the United States
Project on Cross-Strait Strategic Reassurance
$25,000 over 1 year

2. Joseph Lam

University of Michigan
Musiking Late Ming China: An Interdisciplinary Conference

3. Yi-Chun Tricia Lin

Southern Connecticut State University
15th Annual Women's Studies Conference: "Asian and Pacific Women: Indigenous and Diasporic"

4. Cary Y. Liu

Princeton University
Recarving China's Past: The Art, Archaeology, and Architecture of the 'Wu Family Shrines'
One year project

5. Mayfair Yang

University of California, Santa Barbara
Religion, Modernity, and the State in China and Taiwan

6. Quansheng Zhao

American University
The Rise of China and Theories of International Relations and Comparative Politics

7. Suisheng Zhao

University of Denver
U.S.-China-Taiwan Relations under the Second Bush and Chen Administrations

C. Subsidies for Publication

1. Columbia University Press

Anne Routon
The Merchants of Zigong: Industrial Enterpreneurship in Early Modern China by Madeleine Zelin

2. M.E. Sharp, Asian Studies Program

Patricia Loo
Global Taiwan: Building Competitive Strengths in a New International Economy edited by Suzanne Berger and Richard Lester

3. Stanford University Press

Muriel Bell
A Tender Voyage: Children and Childhood in Late Imperial China by Ping-chen Hsiung

4. University of Pittsburgh Press

Katheryn Linduff
Gender and Chinese Archaeology

5. Wesleyan University Press

Suzanna Tamminen
Steles by Victor Segalen, A Bilingual Critical Edition

D. Travel Grants

1. Jiang-Ping Jeff Chen

St. Cloud State University
To present paper at the symposium "Culture Manifolds in the History of Chinese Science, Technology and Medicine" at the XXIInd Intrnational Congress of the History of Science
Beijing, July 24-30, 2005

2. Parks Coble

University of Nebraska
Presentation of Paper to the IAHA Conference, Academia Sinica

3. Ming-hui Hu

The University of Chicago
Three Stages of Western Learning in Qing China 1600-1949

4. Shu-min Huang

Iowa State University
Travel to the Institute of Ethnic Relations and Culture, National Dong hwa University in Taiwan to Attend a Conference and Present a Paper
Total grant amount: $1,000

5. Bohsiu Wu

California State University, Sacramento
Regulating Internet Pornography: A Challenge to an Open Society

E. Distinguished Fellow Grants

1. Patricia Ebrey

University of Washington
Accumulating Culture: The Arts and Antiquities Collections of the Emperor Huizong (r.1100-1125)
$40,000 over 1 year

F.Scholar Grants

1. Richard Burdekin

Claremont McKenna College
China's Monetary Challenges in the Open Era: Past Lessons and Future Prospects
$40,000 over 1 year

2. Grace S. Fong

McGill University
Lu Bicheng (1883-1943): A Literary Biography
$25,000 over 3 years

3. Faye Kleeman

University of Colorado at Boulder
Colonialism and Modernism in Colonial Taiwan (1895-1945): Cross-Cultural and Interdisciplinary Connections
$20,000 over 1 year

4. Terry Kleeman

University of Colorado at Boulder
Patterns of Daoist Life: Activities and Observances in Traditional Daoist Communities
$25,000 over 1 year

5. Melanie Manion

University of Wisconsin at Madison
Official Candidate Losses and Communist Party Gains? Electorates, Selectorates, and Delegates in Mainland China
$25,887 over 10 months

6. Timothy Weston

University of Colorado at Boulder
The Rise of the Daily Press: A Socio-Cultural History of Chiense Newspapers, 1911-1937
$6,000 over 5 months

7. Hongming Zhang

University of Wisconsin at Madison
Mechanism of Language Change: Diffusion Hypothesis--Argumentation from Tone Sandhi in Chinese Languages
$25,000 over 1 year

G. Junior Scholar Grants

1. Miranda Brown

University of Michigan
Chinese Medical Epistemology in Transition, ca.350 BCE-220 CE
$20,000 over 1 year

2. Carolyn Chen

Northwestern University
Getting Saved in America: Taiwanese Immigrants Converting to Evangelical Christianity and Buddhism
$25,000 over 1 year

3. Xiao-bin Ji

University of California, Santa Barbara
From Bureaucracy to Ideology-Politics, Institutions, and Ideas in the First Song Century
$25,000 over 1 year

4. Sylvia Li-Chun Lin

University of Notre Dame
Confronting Atrocity: Representations of the 2/28 Incident and White Terror in Taiwan
$20,000 over 1 year

5. Christopher Lupke

Washington State University
Lilacs from the Dead Land: Modernity, Postcoloniality, and Diaspora in Chinese Literature, 1942-1995
$7,000 over 1 year

6. Hung-jen Niu

The University of British Columbia
Systematic Settlement Survey of the Neolithic Niuheliang Complex in Northeast China
$15,000 over 1 year

7. Benjamin Read

University of Iowa
State-Society Grassroots Engagement: Taiwan's lizhang and Mainland China's jumin weiyuanhui
$14,700 over 1 year

8. Hongying Wang

Syracuse University
The Diffusion of International Governance Norms in China
$15,000 over 1 year

H. Doctoral Fellowships

1. Timothy Baker Jr.

Harvard University
Political Power, Imperial Lineage and the Ritual Classics in Mid-Han China: The Nine Temples (Jiumiao) Ancestral Ritual Complex of Wang Mang
$15,000 over 1 year

2. Cynthia Col

Harvard University
Picturing the Cannon: The Murals of the Derge Sutra Printing Academy
$15,000 over 1 year

3. Gareth Fisher

University of Virginia
Universal Rescue: Re-making Post-Mao China in a Beijing Temple
$15,000 over 1 year

4. Catherine Lin

Georgetown University
Nationalism vs. International Politics: Taiwan's Foreign Relations since the 1970s
$15,000 over 1 year

5. Setsuko Matsuzawa

University of California, San Diego
Creating the Environment: The Roles of Global Actors in Environmental Politics in China
$11,250 over 9 months

6. Erik Mobrand

Princeton University
Moving Against the State: How Rural-urban migrants undermined officialdom in Sichuan and South Korea
$15,000 over 9 months

7. Ronald Smith

University of California, Santa Barbara
Theatre of the Oppressed and Magical Realism in Taiwanese and Hakka Theatre: Rectifying Unbalanced Realities with Chung Chiao's Assignment Theatre
$15,000 over 9 months

I. CCKF Fellowships Administered by the Canadian Association for Asian Studies

1. Emily Lee

University of British Columbia
Comparative Studies of the Financial Holding Company Laws and Practices in the U.S. and Taiwan
Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship
$8,056 over 1 year

2. Xiaorong Li

McGill University
Rewriting the Inner Chambers: The Boudoir in Ming-Qing Poetry
Postdoctoral Fellowship
$17,722 over 1 year

3. Chin-Yen Anne Wu

University of Toronto
The Spatiality of Social Identity: Taiwanese Migrant Women and Everyday Spaces in Toronto
Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship
$8,056 over 1 year

J. Dissertation Fellowships for ROC Students Abroad

1. Shiao-hui Chan

The University of Arizona
Syntactic and Non-Syntactic Sequencing in the Basal Ganglia

2. Shu-Ren Chang

University of Nebraska at Lincoln
Response Times for Correct and Incorrect Item Responses on Computerized Adaptive Tests as a Function of Examinee Characteristics

3. Chun-mei Chen

University of Texas at Austin
A Comparative Study on Formosan Phonology

4. Liang-chih Chen

University of California at Berkeley
Industrial Upgrading of Newly Industrializing Countries--The Case of the Machine Tool Industry in Taiwan

5. Shuli Chen

University of Washington, Seattle
Third World Filmmaking and the City: Spatiality in Taiwanese, Mexican, and Iranian Urban Films

6. Wei-Tseng Chen

Yale University
Foreign Investment and Property Rights Transition-China's Urban Land Market During Economic Growth

7. Fang-Yi Chiou

Princeton University
Political Economy of Legislative Obstruction in the Taiwanese and American Legislatures

8. Ching-I Huang

Northwestern University
Termination-Based Price Discrimination in the Taiwanese Cellular Phone Market

9. Li-Jen Kuo

University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Effects of Early Exposure to a Second Language on the Development of Phonological Awareness

10. Hsuan-Hsiang Lin

University of Denver
Constructing a Genuine Global Realistic Utopia: Reconstructing John Rawls' The Law of Peoples

11. Hui-Lin Hsu

Columbia University
Re/vision of the Past: A Study of Chinese Vernacular Stories

12. Wen-Chi Liao

University of Minnesota
Outsourcing and Cities

13. Echu Liu

University of Southern California
Two Essays in Health Economics

14. Shao-hua Liu

Columbia University
Contested Responses to the AIDS Epidemic Among the Nuosu People in Post-Reform China

15. Yun-chiu Mei

Stanford University
The Mapping and Mass Production of Stelae in the 18th Century Cult of Monuments in Qing China (1644-1911)

16. Li-ching Sun

Syracuse University
Taiwanese Pre-schoolers' Language Performance, Foreign Language Anxiety and Behavior as a Function of Parental Beliefs and Children's English Learning Experience

17. Hsin-yu Tseng

University of Chicago
Three Essays on Empirical Applications of Contract Theory

18. Chih-ming Wang

University of California at Santa Cruz
Studying Abroad: Intellectual Diaspora and the Making of Asia/America

19. Chin-shan Wu

State University of New York at Binghamton
Exploiting Society, Serving the State: Clerks and State Power in Sung China

20. Yu-Wei Tony Yang

Harvard University
Defensive Medicine, Tort Reforms, and Obstetricians' Practice Decisions

Recipients in the European Region

A. Research Grants

1. Michela Bussotti

Ecole Francaise d'Extreme-Orient
Social and Cultural History of Printing and Publishing in Huizhou
€50,000 over 2 years

2. Milena Dolezelova-Velingerova

Heidelberg University
Early Modern Chinese Encyclopedias 1894-1911: Changing Chinese Ways of Thought in Response to the West and Japan
€70,800 over 3 years

3. Imre Hamar

Eotvos Lorand University
Chinese Buddhism and Chinese Manichaeism--A Comprehensive Investigation of Their Interaction
€52,000 over 3 years

4. Rob Imrie

Royal Holloway University of London
Active Citizens and the Role of Community in the Sustainable Development of Cities: A Cross National Perspective
€117,026 over 2 years

5. Alexander G. Larin

The Russian Academy of Sciences
Development of the Chinese Community in Contemporary Russia
€60,000 over 3 years

6. Gunter Schubert

University of Tubingen
Emigrating to the Motherland--A Comparative Study of the Taiwanese Community on the Chinese Mainland (taibao) with a Special Focus on the taishang
€89,360 over 3 years

B. Conferences and Seminars

1. Noel Dutrait

Universite de Provence
The Art of Gao Xingjian, Nobel Prize for Literature
January 28-29
€ 3,000

2. Banning Garrett

Katholieke Universiteit, Leuven
Argument and Persuasion in Ancient Chinese Texts
June 9-11, 2005

3. Michael Loewe

University of Cambridge
Conference for Preparation of a Supplement to the Cambridge History of China, Volume 1
June 26-July 2, 2005

4. Stacy Jean Pierson

Percival David Foundation of Chinese Art
International Conference :The Art of the Book in China
June 13-15, 2005

5. Andrea Riemenschnitter

University of Zurich
International Conference: Chinese Diasponic and Exile Experience
August 10-15, 2005

C. Subsidies for Publication

1. Enno Giele

Universitat Munster
“Imperial Decision-Making and Communication in Early China: A Study of Cai Yong’s Duduan”

2. Lev N. Men'shikov

The Russian Academy of Sciences
"Chinese Poetry in Translation"

3. Maria Rohrer

Universitat Tubingen
“Fiction or Reality? The Fifty Palace Poems of Empress Yang (1162-1232) and the Tradition of Chinese Court Poetry

D. Senior Scholar Grants

1. Timothy H. Barrett

University of London
Religion and the Origins of Printing
€23,842 over 18 months

2. Izabella Labedzka

Adam Mickiewicz University
Gao Xingjian's Aesthetics of the New Theatre Part II: Reception of Gao Xingjian's Theatrical Output in Taiwan and Hong Kong
€5,846 over 2 months

E. Dissertation Fellowships

1. Anna Boermel

Oxford University
Experience and Discourse: An Anthropological Study of "Old Age" in Reform-Era Urban China

2. Kai Marchal

University of Munich
The Political Thought of Lu Zuqian (1137-11810: A Case Study in Southern Song Political Philosophy

3. Brandon D. Miller

Oxford University
Alignment with Heaven and Earth (can yu tian di) in the Xunzi

F. Postdoctoral Fellowships

1. Federica Casalin

University of Rome "La Sapienza"
The Introduction and Reception of Western Economic Thought into Late Imperial China
€24,850 over 2 years

2. Chiener Chou

University of Sheffield
Daily Musical Life in Buklavu: Music Use, Heritage and Creativity in a Taiwanese Aboriginal Community
€35,998 over 2 years

3. Elisabeth Kaske

University of Heidelberg
The Politics of Language in Chinese Education, 1895-1917 (6 months); Nation, Self, and Other in 20th Century Textbooks in China and Japan (1 year)

4. Nanny Kim

University of Heidelberg
Transport and Travel in Pre-Industrial China
€18,600 over 1 year

5. Xavier Paules

University Lyon II
A New Perspective on Two Intertwined "Social Evils" in Guangzhou during the Republican Period: Opium and Gambling
€14,700 over one year

6. Louise Williams

University of Leeds
Representing Identities in Taipei: Gender, Community and Modernity in Contemporary Taiwanese Cinema
€12,000 over one year

7. Nicolai Volland

University of Heidelberg
The Control of the Media in the People's Republic of China
€17,000 over one year

G. Dissertation Fellowships for Citizens of Taiwan Studying in Europe

1. Jui-ching Chen

University of Manchester
Explicitation of Connectors in Translated Chinese: A Corpus-based Study

2. Shih-chung Chen

University of Oxford
The Transformation of Concepts of the Bureaucratization of the other World in Early Medieval China:

3. Ya-mei Chen

University of Edinburgh
Norms of English-Chinese News Trans-Editions in Taiwan Newspapers: A Translation-Oriented News Discourse Approach

4. Yu-bin Chiu

University of Essex
Labour Resistance in a Changing Politics: A Comparative Study on Independent Labour Movements in Hong Kong and Taiwan

5. Chih-tung Chung

London School of Economics and Political Science
The Evolution of Taiwan's Security Strategy, from Chiang Kai-shek to Chen Shui-bian

6. Hui-wen Hsiao

University of Edinburgh
What Does Chinese Phonetic Compound Recognition Tell Us about Hemispheric Processing?

7. Hung-Bin Hsu

University of London
Opium and Taiwan: Experience, Image and Knowledge

8. Jon-fan Hu

University of Oxford
Effects of Labelling on Feature Based Categorisation Processes in Infants

9. Min-hua Jen

University of Bristol
Income-Inequality and Health Outcomes:Taiwan in its Global Context

10. Chen-yang Kao

Lancaster University
Between Conformity and Confrontation: Legitimacy and Christian Identity in Contemporary China

11. Ke-chung Ko

Universitat zu Koln
Lohnsteuerverfahren im Vergleich Zwischen Deutschland und Taiwan

12. Wei-I Lee

Ecoles des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales
History of Community Imaginaries in Taiwan's Post-War Museums (1945-1992): Conflicts of Cultural Representations Among Diverse Communities

13. Yun-chung Li

University of London
A Study of the Poetry of Monk Poets Guanxiu and Qiji

14. Hsin-yi Lin

University of Oxford
Development of Local Society in Qing Taiwan: Zhuqian as an Example

15. Ming-feng Liu

Ecoles de Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales
The Comparison between Asianism and Africanism in the Modern World History

16. Pei-ying Lu

University of Glasgow
Cultural and Intercultural Learning in EFL as a General Education Classs at the Tertiary Level in Taiwan

17. Ching-hsuan Mei

Universitat Bonn
The Development of pho ba Liturgy in Medieval Tibet Sep2002-Sep 2006

18. Shu-chen Ou

University of Edinburgh
Word Stress Acquisition by Mandarin Learners of English

19. Hsin-chin Shih

University of London
Evaluating the Effects of Alternative Regulatory Policies on the Investment and Operational Behaviour of a Newly Liberalised Electricity Industry in Taiwan

Recipients in the Asia-Pacific Region

A. Research Grants

1. Chen Jie

The University of Western Australia
NGO Communities in China and Taiwan: Expanding Linkages with Transnational Civil Society
$40,445 over 3 years

2. Refe de Crespigny

The Australian National University
A Biographical Dictionary of China from Later Han to the Three Kingdoms 23-220AD
$35,061 over 1 year

3. David Faure

The Chinese University of Hong Kong
The Conversion of Chieftains--Territorial Gods, Chieftain Lineages and the Retention of Indigenous Identity in Border Areas
$68,100 over 3 years

4. Iijima Wataru

Aoyama University
The Past and Present of Tripical Medicin in Eastern Asia--A Historical Study of Knowledge on Modern Tropical Medicine
$68,220 over 2 years

5. Ellen Huang Palanca

Ateneo de Manila University
Chinese Communities in the Philipines and Malaysia
$108,600 over 2 years

6. Yue-yu Yeh

Hong Kong Baptist University
Survival, Resistance and Assimilation: Hollywood Hegemony and Chinese-Language Cinema
$46,000 over 1 year

B. Conferences and Seminars

1. Makio Morikawa

Doshisha University
Chinese Cuisine Outside China: Little Traditions in the Changing World
November 11-13, 2005

2. Kee-long So

The Chinese University of Hong Kong
"The Rise of a Productive Market Economy in Late Qing and Republican China"
March 18-20, 2005

3. David Zweig

The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
People on the Move: The Transnational Flow of Chinese Human Capital
October 20-22, 2005

C. Publication Subsidies

1. HironobuKohara

Nara University
Chinese Narrative Illustration
$10,000 over 1 year

D. Dissertation Fellowships for Citizens of Taiwan Studying in the Asia-Pacific Region

1. Hsueh-sheng Chen

University of Melbourne
Amateur Photographes and "Art Photography" in China, 1910-1949

2. Huanshen Lin

Kyoto Institute of Technology
Comparing Forms and Functions in East Asian Mounting: An Examination of Muxi's Guanyin, Monkey, and Crane