Grant Recipients, 1998-1999
Recipients in the Domestic Region
(in order of application received) | Unit: NT$ |
A. Research Grants
1. Wei-sen Hsiao
Hong Kong Baptist University
Chinese Small Firm Marketing: Model and Theory Building
2. Chin-chen Liu
Soochow University
Children's Ideas about Historical Narrative: Understanding Historical Accounts
B. Database Grants
1. Chin-Yi Chu
Institute of Economics, Academia Sinica
Panel Study of Chinese Family Dynamics: Data Collection
2. Kuan-chung Huang
Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica
New Ssu K'u Ch'uan shu Electronic Database
C. Conferences, Workshops and Seminars
1. The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Ping Chung Leung
The Retrospect and Prospect of Chinese Culture
2. National Taiwan University
J.E. Borao
Spanish Materials for the History of Taiwan
3. National Taiwan University
Chun-chieh Huang
International Conference on Time in Chinese Historical Thought: Change, Periodization and Continum
Recipients in the American Region
(in order of application received) | Unit: US$ |
A. Institutional Enhancement Grants
1. University of Oklahoma
Hugh Benson
Faculty Position in Chinese Philosophy at the University of Oklahoma
2. Columbia University
Richard Williams
Course entitled "South China, Taiwan and Hong Kong: Cockpit of Change"
B. Research Grants
1. Xianming Chen
University of Illinois at Chicago
Shanghai and Kaohsuiung as Rising Chinese Global Cities: Characteristics, Conditions, and Consequences
2. Ko-lin Chin
Rutgers University
Organized Crime in Taiwan
3. Furjecn Denq
Sam Houston State University
Determinants of Recidivism for Drug Offenders in Taiwan
4. Larry Diamond
Stanford University
Consolidating Democracy in Taiwan
5. Patricia Ebrey
University of Washington
A Visual Sourcebook for Chinese Civilization
6. Eric Fong
University of Toronto
Chinese Ethnic Economy in Toronto: Its Economic and Social Impacts
7. Tse-chi Hsu
University of Pittsburgh
A Cross-cultural Investigation of Educational and Psychological Research Methods
8. Shihlung Huang
University of North Dakota
Punishment Versus Treatment for Convicted Drug Abusers: A Comparative Study of US and Taiwan Drug Enforcement Policies
9. Shu-min Huang
University of Iowa
The Development of Sustainable Agriculture in China
10. Leo Liu
Brandon University
The Transformation and Prospect of the Political Party System in the ROC
11. Edward Olsen
Naval Postgraduate School
The 1997-99 Economic Crises' Impact on U.S. Alliances in Northeast Asia: Implications for Taiwan's Security
12. Paul Taylor
Smithsonian Institution
Collections-Based Research and Field Studies for an Imperative Catalog of Indigenous Taiwanese Ethnographic Collections
13. Xueguang Zhang
Duke University
The Evolution of Contractual Relationships in Emerging Market--A Comparative Study of Taiwanese and Local Firms in Mainland China
14. Yang Zhong
University of Tennessee
Local Government and Politics in China
C. Conferences, Seminars, Workshops
1. George Chen
Association of Chinese Social Scientists in North America
Chiang Ching-kuo's Legacy: Taiwan's Political, Economic, and Social Reforms during the Chiang Ching-kuo Era
2. Peter Chow
American Association for Chinese Studies
The Road of Chinese Studies toward the Century of Modernization
3. Yungdeh Chu
Rochester Institute of Technology
Sino-Japanese Relations during the Republican Era
4. William Kirby
Harvard University
Taiwan Studies Workshop
5. Keith Thompson
Pennsylvania State University
Music Teleconference: Preparing Music Teachers for the 21st Century: Method in Music Education
D. Publication Subsidies
1. M.E. Sharpe, Inc.
Douglas Merwin
Broadening the Horizons of Chinese History: Discoures, Syntheses, and Comparison by Ray Huang
2. Museum of Chinese in the Americas
Fay Chew Matsuda
Canton/New York: Cantonese Opera and Identity in New York's Chinatown
3. Ohio State University
Kirk Denton
Modern Chinese Literature and Culture
4. Rutgers University
Ching-I Tu
Publication of the Proceedings of the Conference on the Hermeneutic Traditions in Chinese Culture
5. Stanford University Press
Helen Tartar
Ginger Cheng-chi Hsu, A Bushel of Pearls: Painting for Sale in 18th Century Yangchow
6. University of Hawaii Press
Patricia Crosby
"The Chinese City in Space and Time: The Development of Urban Form in Suzhou" by Yinong Xu
E. Travel Grants
1. Elizabeth Childs-Johnson
New York University
American Collections and Studies of Newlithic and Early Historic Period Chinese Jade
2. Peter Chow
City University of New York
A Comparative Analysis of Social Security System in Taiwan and the USA
3. Richard Chu
Rochester Institute of Technology
Presenting a Paper, "Forced Chinese Labors under Japanese Occupation," at the Venice Int'l Conference on the Rold of the Republican Period in 20th Century China
4. William Gabrenya
Florida Institute of Technology
Travel to Asian Association of Social Psychology Conference
5. Jacob Korg
International Pound Association and Beijing Foreign Studies University
Paper to be read at 18th International Ezra Pound Conference: Chinese Ritual in the Cantos
F. Walter Ostrom
Jingdezhen Ceramics Institute
Jindezhen Ceramics Institute Conference
1. Justin Tan
California State University at San Marcos
Are Managers and Entrepreneurs Different: A Comparative Study in China's Transition Economy
2. Wen-hui Tsai
Indiana-Purdue University at Fort Wayne
American Social Security System and Its Suitability to the Third World Nations
G. Senior Scholar Grants
1. Peter Bol
Harvard Unversity
Neo-Confucianism and Chinese History, 1100-1600
2. Julia Ching
University of Toronto
The Relevance of Chinese Thought
3. Alison Conner
University of Hawaii
Soochow Law School (1915-52) and Modern Chinese Legal Profession
4. Chihwa Kao
Syracuse University
Learning-By-Others Doing and International R&D Spillovers for the Asian NIEs: If we know what an economic miracle is, we may be able to make one
5. Yu-sheng Lin
University of Wisconsin at Madison
Chinese Ideas of Political Order from the Neolithic Age to 221 B.C.E.
6. Thomas Rawski
University of Pittsburgh
Foundations of Chinese Economic Growth
7. Jeffrey Riegel
University of California at Berkeley
The Confucian Texts Excavated at Kuo-tien
8. Philip Williams
University of California at Riverside
The Affective Side of Increasingly Economically Driven Chinese Prison Camp Life--An Interdisciplinary Study
H. Dissertation Fellowships
1. Erica Brindley
Princeton University
Mediums and Sources of Authority: An Analysis of Self-Cultivation in Early China (Warring States)
2. Daniel Buck
University of California at Berkeley
Constructing China's Capitalism, Connecting Shanghai;s Urban and Rural Industries
3. Kenneth Foster
University of California at Berkeley
Associations and the State in Contemporary Mainland China: The Emergence of New Forms of State-Society Engagement
4. Liam Kelley
University of Hawaii
Beyond the Bronze Pillars: Tribute and Travel Literature between China and Vietnam in the 15th to 19th Centuries
5. Robin McNeal
University of Washington
Acquiring People: Social Organization, Mobilization, and the Discourse on the Civil and Military Spheres in Ancient China
I. Postdoctoral Fellowships
1. Joseph Bosco
Georgetown University
Taiwan's Present and Future Status and China's Use of Force Under International Law and the United States Policy of Strategic Ambiguity
2. Faye Kleeman
University of Colorado at Boulder
Identity, Textuality and Colonialism: Taiwanese Literature under the Japanese Occupation (1895-1945)
3. Cheng Li
Hamilton College
Chinese Technocrats: Their Special Origins, Ideological Attributes, and Political Behavior
4. Gang Lin
Association of Chinese Political Studies
The Prospect of China's Democratization
5. Katheryn Lowry
University of California at Santa Barbara
The Use of Print in 16th and 17th-Century China: A Study of Forms and Readerships
6. Peter Nickerson
Duke University
Popular Religion and Modernity in Contemporary Taiwan
7. Wei Shang
Columbia University
Ritual and the Crisis of the Confucian World: An Interpretation of the Unofficial History of the Scholars
8. Paula Varsano
Smith College
Wanderings: Locating the Subject in Traditional Chinese Poetry
J. CCK Fellowships Administered by the Canadian Association for Asian Studies
1. Alison Baily
University of British Columbia
Postdoctoral Fellowship
Wild Justice: A Cultural Study of Revenge in Pre-modern Chinese Literature and Historical Texts
2. Frank Muyard
University of Montreal
Dissertation Fellowship
Modernity, Postmodernity and Modern China: A Comparative and Critical Study of Cultural Modernity in China
3. Joseph Yit-Chong Wong
University of Wisconsin at Madison
Dissertation Fellowship
Democratization and Equity: Dual Transitions in Taiwan, 1986-1997
4. Kwok-Yiu Wong
University of Toronto
Dissertation Fellowship
The Balance Wen and Tao: Literary/Political Discourse in Tang China
K. R.O.C. PhD Dissertation Fellowships
1. Jung-hsing Chang
University of Hawaii at Manoa
The Syntax of Event Structure in Chinese
2. Ku-ming Chang
University of Chicago
Bona Fide Observations: Science, Religion and German University, 1694-1705
3. Shu-ying Chen
University of Iowa
A Comparison of Iten Selection Rules Including Theoretical and Practical Considerations at the Early Stages of Computerized Adaptive Testing
4. Lin Chou
Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile
Sino-Chilean Relations and Chinese Immigration to Chile
5. Chi-nien Chung
Stanford University
Market, Culture and Institutions: The Formation and Transformation of Business Groups in Taiwan, 1960s-1990s
6. Yung-ming Hsu
University of Michigan
Linking the Elite to the Masses in Democratizing Taiwan: Identity Politics, Issue Evolution, and Party Realignment
7. Chiung-yu Huang
SUNY at Stony Brook
Application of a Dynamic Structural Model of Oligopolitics Competition with Learning Effects
8. Kwei-bo Huang
University of Maryland at College Park
Confidence and Security Building between ASEAN and the PRC after the Cold War
9. Shih-shan Susan Huang
Yale University
The Realms of Heaven, Earth, and Water: The Formation of Daoist Painting in the 12th and 13th Centuries
10. Pei-chia Lan
Northwestern University
Transnational Organization and Local Practice of Domestic Service: Migrant Domestic Workers and their Taiwanese Employers
11. Chao-chun Lin
Northeastern University
How to Enforce and Enact a Constitutional Bill of Rights in an Wast Asian Country
12. Wei-kuo Lin
University of Wisconsin at Madison
Discussions of Unification Versus Independence in Taiwan--From the perspective of Inoculation and Spiral of Silence Theories: A Study of Public Opinion in Democracy
13. Li-wei Liu
Cornell University
The Growth and Transformation of Small and Medium Enterprises in Taiwan: Direct and Indirect Contributions to Regional Development
14. Hsiu-hui Su
Rutgers University
Female-Female Feeding Competition and Inter-Matriline Feeding Competition in Formosan Macaques (Macaca Cyclopis)
15. Chih-hsiung Tu
Arizona State University
Redefining Social Presence: An Examination of Social Context, Interactivity, and Communication to Increase Interaction
16. Huei-hsin Wang
University of Arizona
Shih Chan Po-lo-mi Tzu-ti Fa-men and the Formation of Tien-tai Meditation
17. Shih-ying Wu
University of Michigan
Three Essays in Public Finance
18. Chien-chang Yang
University of Chicago
Music as Embodied Knowledge: Hugo Riemann's Theory of Musical Listening
19. Shih-ying Yang
Yale University
Wisdom: A Taiwanese Chinese Perspective
20.Feng-huang Ying
University of Texas at Austin
Reassessing Taiwan's Literature of the 1950s
L. Special Projects
1. Princeton University
Willard Peterson
Editing of V. 2,4,5B,9A,9B of the Cambridge History of China
2. University of Washington
Ann YUE-Hashimoto
Li Fang-kuei Memorial Volume Linguistic Change and the Chinese Dialects: A Collection of Papers Dedicated to the Memory of Late Prof. Li Fang-kuei
Recipients in the European Region
(in order of application received) |
A. Institutional Enhancement Grants
1. Ruhr-Universitat
Bochum Christina Neder
Research Unit on Taiwan Regional Culture
2. Universidad Autonoma de Madrid
Taciana Fisac
Development of an Official Degree in Chinese Studies at the Autonomous University of Madrid
B. Research Grants
1. Theo L. M. Engelen
University of Nijmegen
Population and Society in Taiwan and the Netherlands
2. Marc Kalinowski
Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes
Divination, Science, and Society in Medieval China
3. Fabrizio Pregadio
Technische Universitat Berlin
The Background and Transmission of Alchemy in Jiangnan from the Early Six Dynasties to the Mid-Tang
4. Jorn Rusen
Kulturwissenschaftliches Institut
Chinese Historical Culture: Annotated Sources of Chinese Historiography and Historical Thinking from the Beginnings to the Present (3 vols.)
C. Conferences, Seminars, Workshops
1. John Lagerwey
Ecole Francaise d'Extreme-Orient
Religion and Chinese Society: The Transformation of a Field and Its Implications for the Study of Chinese Culture
2. Frank N. Pieke
Oxford University
Fieldwork Research Methods in Contemporary Chinese Society
3. Guido Samarani
Ca' Foscari University in Venice
International Conference on "The Role of the Republican Period in Twentieth Century China
4. Rudolf G. Wagner
University of Heidelberg
Workshop"Text and Commentary in Imperial China"
D. Publication Subventions
1. Institute RICCI de Paris Centre d'Etudes Chinoises
Claude Larre
Le Grand RICCI (Le Grand Dictionnaire Francais de la Langue Chinoise) Han Fa Ta Tz'u T'ien
2. Kirjayhtyma Publishing Co.
Linda Jakobson
Writing Project of a Documentary Book Entitled "The Competing Threesome: China, Korea and Japan"
3. University of Heidelberg
Catherine V. Yeh
Assistance for Translating and Editing Work for the Volume "The Formation of a Multiethnic Urban Culture: The Shanghai Concessions 1850-1910"
E. Dissertation Fellowships
1. Isabelle Charleux
University of Paris IV-Sorbonne
Art and Architecture of Lamaist Temples and Monasteries in Inner Mongolia
2. Chien-er Chou
University of Sheffield
A Study of Nanguan Music and Culture in Contemporary Taiwan
3. Florence Bretelle-Establet
University of Paris 7-Denis Diderot
History of Public Health in Southern China (Yunnan, Guanxi, Guangdong)
4. Kun-hui Ku
University of Cambridge
State, Church and Aboriginal Rights Movement in Post WWII Taiwan: A Case Study of the Paiwan
5. Jakub Marsalek
Charles University
The Ways of Status Demonstration in Late Neolithic China
6. Pierre Joseph Marsone
Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes
Wang Ch'ung-yang and the Foundation of the Taoist Ch'uan-chen Monastic Music
7. Carmen Meinert
University of Bonn
A Comparative Study of Soteriological Aspects in Chinese Chan Buddhism and Early Tibetan Dzogs Chan from the 6th Century on the Basis of Dunhuang Manuscripts: The Teachings of Chan Master Wolun(S. 1494, S. 6631)and the Sovereign All- Creating Mind
8. Jorg Plassen
University of Hamburg
On the Traces of the Treatises Chi-tsang's Hermeneutical Approach and its Application in His Writings
9. Wing Kin Puk
Oxford University
Salt Trade in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Century China
10. Michael Rudolph
University of Heidelberg
Assimilation or Revitalization: The Aboriginal Movement in Taiwan 1984-96
11. Ching-fe Shih
Oxford University
Jingdezhen Blue and White Porcelains in the Yuan Dynasty: Their Functions, Designs and Markets
12. The-ling Wang
University of Cambridge
An Invisible presence in the International economy: A history of the Role of Finance in Taiwan, 1965-1990
13. Yongping Wu
Leiden University
State-Private Sector Relations and Economic Development in Taiwan (1950-1985)
F. Postdoctoral Fellowships
1. Michael Schimmelpfennig
University of Heidelberg
The Section and Sentence Commentary (Chang-chu)--Towards a Better Understanding of a Dominant Exegetical Tradition of the Han Dynasty
G. Special Projects
1. Charles University
Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation International Sinological Center at Charles University
Recipients in the Asia-Pacific Region
(in order of application received) | Unit: US$ |
A. Institutional Enhancement Grant
1. Macquarie University
Daniel Kane
Lectureship in the History of Chinese Science and Medicine
2. University of New South Wales
Hans Hendrischke
A Research-Based Teaching Program on Chinese Provincial Studies
B. Research Grants
1. Cordia Chu
Griffith University
Smoothing the Rite of Passage for Chinese Migrants in Australia: Development of Community-Based Postnatal Care and Prevention of Postnatal Depression
2. Neil J. Diamant
Tel Aviv University
The Politics of Dead and Living Soldiers in Modern China
C. Conference/Seminar/Workshop Grant
1. Kam-leung Chan
National University of Singapore
Ninth International Conference on the History of Science in East Asia
D. Subsidy for Publication Grant
1. Yin Wai Wong
Australian National University