Grant Recipients, 1993-1994
Recipients in the Domestic Region
(in order of application received) | Unit: NT$ |
A. Research Grants
1. Werner Burger
University of Hong Kong
Development of Ch’ing Cash
2. Fu Chang
Institute of Information Science, Academia Sinica
Research in Automatic Processing of Historical Documents and Computer Recognition of ChineseCharacters
3. Chiu-Yu Cheng
Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica
Independence of Tonal Features in Chinese
4. Ming-li Cheng
National Normal University
International Chinese Literature during 1937-1945
5. Chien Chiao
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Traditional Musicians in Shanxi
6. Issac Ehrlich
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Economic Growth and Economic Equality: An International Comparison with Emphasis on Chinese Economics
7. Hwang-chenrg Gong
Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica
Investigation and Research on the Qiangic Languages of Tibeto-Burman
8. Pei-Jong Huang
National Taiwan University
Researches in the Silk Manuscripts from the Han Tomb at Mawangdui
9. Han-lin L
National Chiao Tung University
Habitual Domains, Patterns and Hidden Barriers to Decision Making – Theory with Evidence in Chinese History
10. Chou Lin
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
The Mazu Temple:Iconography, Architecture, and Social Organization in the South China Culture Sphere
11. Shu-jong Lin
National Tsing Hwa University
Illness and Healing among the Dong in China
12. Da-luk Lu
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Economic Culture and Behavior in Chinese Society: The Case of Hong Kong
13. Ben-yieh Tsao
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Comparative Study of Regional and Transregional Taoist Ritual Music Traditions of Major Temples in China, Hong Kong and Taiwan
14. Ch’iu Kuei Wang
National Tsing Hwa University
Chinese Regional Theatre in Its Social and Ritual Contexts
15. How Man Wong
China Exploration and Research Society
Locating Lost Cities of the Silk Road Using NASA'S Shuttle Imaging
B. Database Grants
1. Ju-jen Huang
Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica
The Collection of Old Chinese Lexis and the Creation of an Electronic Lexicon of Old Chinese
C. Publication Subsidies
1. Institute of Economics, Academia Sinica
Ts’ui-jung Liu
Nature and Man in Chinese History
D. Conferences, Workshops and Seminars
1. Louis Yang-Ching Cheng
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
The Second International Conference on the Psychotherapy for the Chinese
2. Council of Cultural Development and Planning
Conference on Chinese Literature and Translation
3. Ngai-ha Ng Lun
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Third Meeting of the International Symposium on the History of the Chinese Maritime Customs
4. Cheng-hwa Tsang
Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica
The International Consortium for the Conservation of the Chinese Archaeology Collections Project
5. Benjamin Tsou
City Polytechnic University of Hong Kong
Third International Conference on Chinese Linguistics
E. Distinguished Lectureship
1. National Taiwan University
Shou-jong Chang
Kwang-ching Liu
Recipients in the American Region
(in order of application received) | Unit: US$ |
A. Institutional Enhancement Grants
1. Asian Art Museum of San Francisco
Patricia Berger
Chinese Ceramics Research and Publication Project
2. Association for Asian Studies
Ellen B. Widmer
Promotion of scholarly contact, networks, and collaboration in Chinese Studies
Martin Tamny
City college Chinese Society Instuctor
4. Colorado College
Jane Cauvel
Dr. LI Zehou
Three-year Distinguished Professor of Chinese Studies at Colorado college
5. El Colegio de Mexico
Flora Botton Beja
Enhancement of a Chinese Studies Program
6. Inter-University Program for Chinese Language
Lyman P. Van Slyke
Summer Postdoctoral Language Fellowship Program
7. University of Colorado at Boulder
Paul W. Kroll
Visiting Scholar
8. University of Maryland at College Park
George H. Quester
International Schology Exchange
9. University of Pennsylvania
Richard R. Beeman
Support for an Assistant Professor in Chinese Anthropology
10. University of Pittsburgh
Evelyn Rawski
Explanations from the Past: A Preliminary Project on Teaching Contemporary Chinese Culture in the Undergraduate
11. Vassar College
Nancy S. Dye
Position in Chinese Philosophy and Literature
B. Research Grants
1. Irene Bloom
Columbia University
Revision of Sources of Chinese Tradition
2. C. Montgomery Broaded
University of Pittsburgh
Educational and Occupational Attainment in Urban Taiwan: A Collaborative, Longitudinal Study
3. Hui-ching Chang
University of South Dakota
The Changing Interpersonal Relationship Patterns in Taiwan: An Observation from Books Addressing Interpersonal Skills
4. Tun-jen Cheng
College of William and Mary
Direct Local Elections and Chinese Political Culture
5. Julia Ching
University of Toronto
The Religious Thought of Chu Hsi (1130-1200)
6. Ralph N. Clough
Johns Hopkins University
Balancing the Triangle: the Dynamics of US-PRC-Taiwan Relations
7. Marisela Connelly
El Colegio de Mexico
Republic of China: From tradition to modernization
8. Kenneth Dean
McGill University
A Survey of Temple Networks, Lineages, and Ritual Activities in the Xinghua Region
9. Clemente Ruiz Duran
Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico
The role of small and medium enterprises in economic development( A comparative analysis of Taiwan and Mexico )
10. Chuimei Ho
Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago
The Early Ceramic Economy of Southern Fukien
11. Winston T. Lin
State University of New York at Buffalo
A Comparative Analysis of the Efficiency of Major Industries
12. Paul C. B. Liu
University of Washington
The Legal Protection of Intellectual Property and International Trade Negotiation between the United States and the Republic of China
13. Emerson M.S. Niou
Duke University
An Evaluation of the Republic of China's Foreign Policy Alternatives
14. John R. Shepherd
University of Virginia
Marriage and Mortality: The Chinese Demographic Regime on Taiwan 1870-1930
15. Chi Wang
Library of Congress
Chinese Microfilm Research Guide Proposal
16. Marvin E. Wolfgang
American Academy of Political and Social Science
A Birth Cohort Study of Juvenile Delinquency in the People's Republic of China
C. Conferences, Seminars, Workshops
1. David Bachman
University of Washington
Taiwan on the Eve of the 21st Century: Aspects of Identity and Political Economy
2. Timothy Brook
University of Toronto
Conference: "Economy and Culture in Eastern Asia"
3. Marcus Franda
University of Maryland at College Park
China Regional Seminar
4. Edward Shaughnessy
University of Chicago
The Cambridge History of Ancient China
5. William S. Y. Wang
University of California at Berkeley
The Ancestry of Hanyu: a Symposium Proposal
D. Publication Subsidies
1. Center for Chinese Research Materials
Pingfeng Chi
The Creation of a Special Collection of Rare Research Materials for the Study of Wartime China, 1937-1945
2. Columbia University
Jennifer Crewe
Beyond Spring: Tz'u Poems of the Sung Dynasty Translated by Julie Landau
3. Princeton University
F.W. Mote
The East Asian Library Journal 1994-1995
4. Stanford University
John R. Zimmer
Monumentality in Early Chinese Art and Architecture
5. Stanford University
John R. Zimmer
Genealogy of the Way: The Construction and Uses of the Confucian Tradition in Late Imperial China
6. University of British Columbia Press
Edwin G. Pulleyblank
An Outline of Classical Chinese Grammar
7. University of California at Santa Barbara
Peter C. Sturman
A History of Painting: Mi Fu's Hua Shi
8. University of Chicago
Penelope Kaiserlian
The Journey to the West( Hsi-yu chi)
9. University of Hawaii Press
Patricia Crosby
"The Scripture on the Ten King" and the Making of Purgatory in Medieval Chinese Buddhism
10.University of Hawaii
Roger T. Ames
China Review International, a semi-annual journal of reviews
E. Travel Grants
1. Paul D. Carrington
Duke University
Conference on International Commercial Arbitration
2. The-kuang Chang
The Research Committee on Asia and Pacific Studies
To Develop China Study in the International Political Science Association
F. Senior Scholar Grants
1. David B. Chan
California State University at Hayward
Sun Yat-sen and the United States
2. Myron L. Cohen
Columbia University
A Comparative Study of Chinese Family Organization and Change
3. Perry Link
Princeton University
The Metaphors of Chinese Daily Life
4. Elizabeth J. Perry
University of California at Berkeley
Shanghai Strikes Back: Labor Protest and State Formation in Contemporary China
5. Don G. Price
University of California at Davis
Sung Chiao-jen(1882-1913): Personality, Culture and Politics
6. Carl Riskin
Rural Poverty in Mainland China
7. Hoyt Cleveland Tillman
Arizona State University
Chu-ko Liang in Chinese Cultural History
8. Stephen H. West
University of California at Berkeley
An Investigation of the Earliest Chinese Dramatic Texts
G. Walter Judd Fellowship
1. Carol Benedict
Williams College
The Chinese Sanitarians: Wenbing Medicine and Changing Conceptions of Disease in Nineteenth-Century China
H. Dissertation Fellowships
1. Yen-Kuei Chuang
Stanford University
Interpreting Culture, Identity and Change: the Case Study of a Chinese Family Lineage in Taiwan and the US
2. Amy D. Dooling
Columbia University
Modern Chinese Women's Writing and Narrative Practice
3. Martin W. Frazier
University of California at Berkeley
Policing the Factory Floor: the Transformation of Industrial Relations in China, 1945-1958
4. Diane J. Haring
Yale University
Mourning into Dancing: Light and Death in the Zoroastrian, Manichaean and Nestorian Traditions in Tang China
5. Elizabeth C. Henderson
University of Michigan
The Relationship Between Small Business and State: A Crucial Component of the Democratizing East Asian Model--The Case of Taiwan
6. Hsien-huei Liao
University of California at Los Angeles
Popular Religion and the Religious Beliefs of the Song Elite, 960-1276
7. Tobie Meyer
Stanford University
The Culture of Travel in 18th Century Yangzhou
8. Brook Ziporyn
University of Michigan
What's So Good About Evil: Value and Anti-value in Tiantai Thought and Its Anticedents
I. Postdoctoral Fellowships
1. William G. Kirby
Harvard University
State and Economy in Republican China
2. Kenneth Lieberthal
University of Michigan
A First Step toward Understanding the Sources and Limits of Institutional Durability in China
3. Julia Killin Murray
University of Wisconsin at Madison
Chinese Narrative Illustration and the Projection of Confucian Values in Art
4. William Nienhauser
University of Wisconsin at Madison
Intertextuality and Early Chinese Narrative: the Grand Scribe's Records, Its Precursors and Its Legacy
5. Stephen Owen
Harvard University
Essays in Early Chinese Literature
6. John R. Shepherd
University of Virginia
Marriage and Mortality: The Chinese Demographic Regime on Taiwan 1870-1930
7. Anne P. Underhill
McGill University
The Development of Social Complexity During the Late Neolithic Period of China, Circa 2600-1900 BC
J. CCK Fellowships Administered by the Canadian Association for Asian Studies
1. Jun Fang
University of Toronto
Dissertation Fellowship
Parallel Administration: the Southern Capital of Ming China
2. George Chu-sheng Lin
University of British Columbia
Postdoctoral Fellowship
Temporal and Spacial Characteristics of Taiwanese Investment in South China
$22, 000
3. William Ng
University of Toronto
Dissertation Fellowship
To Revive a Tradition: Contemporary Neo-Confucian Responses to Western Challenge
4. Dominique Ryon
University de Montreal
Postdoctoral Fellowship
Dongba Hierographic Script
K. R.O.C. PhD Dissertation Fellowships
1. Hsien-kuan Ann-Marie Hsiung
University of Hawaii
Seeking Women in Pre-modern Chinese Texts: A Feminist Re-vision of Ming Drama (1368-1644)
2. Hui-chuan Hsu
University of California at San Diego
Constraint-Based Phonology: Evidence from Language in China
3. Szu-chien Hsu
Columbia University
Evolution of Local State on Township Level in Post Mao Rural China
4. Ko-wu Huang
Stanford University
The Rejected Path: A Study of Liang Ch'I-ch'ao's Accomodative thinking (1902-1907)
5. Yiting Li
University of Pennsylvania
Commodity Money and Intermediation Under Private Information
6. Yun-Hsia Liang
University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign
Children's Orthographic Knowledge in Learning to Read Chinese: A Developmental Study
7. Chia-lung Lin
Yale University
Parties, Elections and Democratization in a Divided Society: A Historical-Institutional Perspective on Taiwan
8. Hsiu-ling Lin
University of Chicago
Orientalism and Primitivism in British Modernism: The Modernists' Views of Chinese Art in the Early 20th Century
9. Kuo-ming Lin
Yale University
The State, Organised Medicine and Health Care Politics: An Institutional Analysied Reginalizing Medical Care in Taiwan
10. Ming-cheng Lo
University of Michigan
Predicament and Power- Taiwanese Phycisians and the Sphere under Japanese Colonization
11. Hsiang-kwang Liu
Columbia University
Education and Society: Local Education in Hui-chou 960-1800
12. Feng-ying Ming
University of California at Los Angeles
Popular Novel and National Form: Literary Modernity from the Late Quing and Early Republican Chinese Popular Novel
13. Kuo-Hsien Su
Columbia University
Referential Structure and Career Choices: A Study of Social Psychologica Determinants of Employee Turnover
14. Chao-Hsiun Tang
Johns Hopkins University
Health Insurance and the Demand for Medical Care in the ROC
15. Cheng-Hua Wang
Yale University
The Visual Environment at the Court of Xuanzong (r. 1425-35)
16. Jaw-Perng Wang
University of Chicago
Taiwan's Necessity, Possibility, and Difficulty in Transplanting American Fifth Amendment
17. Wen-chung Wang
University of California at Berkeley
Implementation and Application of the Multidimensional Random Coefficients Multinomial logic Model
18. Yu-ming Wang
New York University
Information Technology Adoption & Diffusion in the Presence of Network Externalities
19. Mingyu Yang
University of Maryland at College Park
Heroic Scenario as National Myth: Carnival Pleasure and Political Allegory in Contemporary Hong Kong Martial Arts Film
20. Bao-Jane Yuan
University of Washington
Moral Values of Early Adocescents: A Comparison Between Taiwan and China
Recipients in the European Region
(in order of application received) |
A. Institutional Enhancement Grants
1. Charles University
Oldrich Kral
The Reestablishment of the Graduate Program in Modern Chinese Literature at Charles University
2. Oxford University
Adrian Roberts
Library Collection Development: Twentieth-Century China
B. Research Grants
1. Halvor Eifring
University of Oslo
Guilt and Shame in "The Story of the Stone"
2. Stephan Feuchtwang
City University
Ritual Resources and Local Power: A Comparative Study of the Mobilisation of Territorial Cults, Local Socio-Economic Forces and the Filling of Political Space between Rural Households and Government in Six Villages in Taiwan and Mainland China
3. Else Glahn
University of Copenhagen
A Chinese Building Manual Translation to English of the Ying-Tsao Fa-Shih with Explanatory Drawings
4. John Lagerwey
Ecole Francaise d'Extreme-Orient
The Structure and Dynamics of Chinese Rural Society
5. Gabriel Liiceanu
Bucharest University
Chinese Classics Translation Series
6. Helmut Martin
Ruhr-Universitat Bochum
20 Century Literary History Project (Taiwan and Its Cultural Links with China)
7. R. A. Mirovitskaya
Russian Academy of Sciences
Chinese Statehood and Soviet Politics in China. The Period of Pacific War. 1941-1945
8. Chi-yu Wu
Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique
A Special Dunhuang Project
C. Conferences, Seminars, Workshops
1. M. Bastid-Bruguiere
A Two Year Program to Enhance Familiarity of East European China Scholars with New Research Tools, Resources, and Methods in Chinese Studies
2. Oldrich Kral
Charles University
The Congress of the European Association of Chinese Studies
3. S. Weigelin-Schwiedrzik
University of Heidelberg
Conference on Chinese Historiography
4. David Shambaugh
University of London
Reappraising Republican China
5. Franciscus Verellen
Ecole Francaise d'Extreme-Orient
The Cult of Saints and the Cult of Sites: Sources of Hagiography and Local History in China
D. Publication Subventions
1. Munich University
Helwig Schmidt-Glintze
Das Andere China/ The Other China--Festschrift fur Wolfgang Bauer
2. Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique
Jean-Pierre Drege
Publication of the Catalogue of the Chinese Dunhuang Manuscripts in the National Library (Pelliot Collection)
E. Dissertation Fellowships
1. Alain Arrault
University of Paris 7-Denis Diderot
Shao Yong's Biography and Thought
2. Andress Ernst Janousch
University of Cambridge
The Emperor in the Southern Dynasties, 317-589 A. D.
3. Renate M. Soeder
The Guan School in the Late Ming Dynasty: Feng Cong-wu on the "Heart-and-Mind"
4. Susanna Clare Thornton
Oxford University
A Study of the Socio-Economic History of Temple Institutions in Hangchow in the Ming and Ch'ing Dynasties
5. Kuniko Ukai
Leiden University
Reading Li He's Poetry: Analyses and Interpretation
6. Xiaoling Wang
University of Paris 7-Denis Diderot
The Influence of Jean Jacques Rousseau's Political Thoughts in China before the 1911 Revolution
7. Thekla Wiebusch
University of Gottingen
Classification in China: A Comparison between the Systems of Numeral Classifiers Radicals and Encyclopedias, with Special Reference to the Category of Animals
F. Postdoctoral Fellowships
1. Adrianus Cornelius Dudink
Leiden University
Bibliography of Chinese Books and Manuscripts related to Christianity and Western Science Written by Western Missionaries, Chinese Converts, Sympathisants and Opponents, during the Period 1584-1715
2. B. J. ter Haar
Leiden University
The "Humanization" of the Chinese Divine Pantheon
3. Catherine Vance Yeh
University of Heidelberg
The Courtesan and Her Client in Late Ch'ing Shanghai
Recipients in the Asia-Pacific Region
(in order of application received) | Unit: US$ |
A. Institutional Enhancement Grant
1. Griffith University
Elsie Leow
Development of a Special Library Collection on Taiwan
2. University of Melbourne
The Development of a Program in the Laws of the Republic of China at the University of Melbourne
3. University of Santo Tomas
Magdalena Villaba
Toward a Chinese Studies Program for the Graduate School of the University of Santo Tomas
B. Research Grants
1. Chris J. Czerkawski
Edith Cowan University
Foreign Investment, Government Policies and the Internationalization of the Taiwanese Economy
2. S. N. Eisenstadt
Hebrew University of Jerusalem
The Historical Experience of China, India and Japan: Impact on the Process of Modernization and Cultural Programs of Modernity That Developed within Them
3. David L. Holm
Macquarie University
Ritual Theatre in China
4. Pookong Kee
Australian Bureau of Immigration & Population Research
People Movements between Taiwan and Australia: Social, Economic and Cultural Aspects of the Flows of Migrants, Students, Tourists, and Professionals
5. Benito Lim
University of the Philippines
The Role of Ethnic Chinese in Philippine Economic Development
6. On Kit Tam
University of New South Wales
Financial Links between Taiwan and Mainland China During the 1980s and the 1990s: Economic and Strategic Implications
7. Virginia A. Teodosio
University of the Philippines
Industrial Relations and Human Resources Management in Chinese Economic Enterprises
C. Conferences/Seminars/Workshops
1. Nguyen Loc
Ho Chi Minh University
The Nations of Asia and Chinese Culture: An Inter-national Conference on Cross-cultural Education
2. Magdalena Villaba
University of Santo Tomas
The Impact of China and Chinese Culture on the Philippines
D. Senior Scholar Grant
1. Kwok Bun Chan
National University of Singapore
The Chinese Diaspora
E. Subsidy for Publication Grant
1. Association for Teachers and Researchers Literature,Vietnam
Luong Duy Thu
Anthology of Classical Chinese Literature (From the Ancient Time to the End of the XIX Century)