Grants and Fellowships
The Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation for International Scholarly Exchange was established in January 1989. Its core mission involves encouraging scholars at academic institutions throughout the world to undertake research projects in the humanities and social sciences that can shed new light on Chinese culture and society. The Foundation also promotes international contacts and cooperative projects with leading scholarly organizations, in order to enhance the status of Chinese culture and related research efforts.
The Foundation undertakes grant-making activities in four regions: Domestic, American, European, and Asia-Pacific. Its programs include Research Grants, Database Grants, Conference and Seminar Grants, Lecture Series Grants, Publication Subsidies and Special Project Grants, as well as doctoral dissertation and postdoctoral fellowships.
During the past 26 years, the Foundation has remained resolutely committed to its goal of promoting pure scholarship throughout the international academic community. During the past 26 years, we have funded 3,843 grant applications at 839 academic institutions, with 2,983 scholars benefiting from our funding (the above total do not include our Special Projects programs). These projects have resulted in the completion of over 1,000 scholarly articles, 1,000 books and 1,000 doctoral dissertations. In recent years, the Foundation has received between 150 and 200 applications annually. With the exceptions of the SARS outbreak in 2002 and the global financial crisis in 2008, we have provided approximately US$4 million in funding per year. The total amount of funding for the past 26 years exceeds US$118,840,000 (NT$3,538,310,000).
For more on some of the Foundation’s prominent grants, please see below:

“Cities in Turmoil”: Historical GIS and Urban Life in Four Chinese Cities in the Late Qing and Republican Period

A GIS and Institutional Economic Study of the Cotton Textile Economy in the Songjiangfu (松江府) Region during the Eighteenth Century