The Foundation’s mission is strictly limited to the academic sphere, in which it aims to support scholars and institutions worldwide in their pursuit of research on Chinese civilization, and to promote cooperation and exchange between domestic and foreign academic organizations. Its goals can be summarized according to nine broad categories:
- To adhere to the highest principles of scholarly merit in supporting the study of Chinese civilization by leading researchers at academic institutions throughout the world based on the, while also promoting international scholarly exchange.
- To draw on Taiwan’s increasing economic and cultural stature in order to assist foreign scholars in the humanities and social sciences in conducting research that sheds new light on the inherent value of Chinese culture.
- To support universities and academic organizations worldwide in undertaking cooperative scholarly activities with their counterparts, thereby enhancing our knowledge of Chinese civilization.
- To support international academic conferences.
- To support the publication of scholarly books and periodicals.
- To support foreign doctoral candidates in the writing of their dissertations, and to support postdoctoral research by junior scholars.
- To support domestic graduate students to travel abroad for the purpose of attending international academic conferences.
- To develop connections and cooperation with important cultural and educational institutions, and with cultural and educational foundations worldwide.
- To develop other projects which will help to enhance the international status of Sinological research.
The Foundation seeks, through scholarly exchange, to widen and expand the scope of research on Chinese civilization in order to establish it as a part of the common heritage of humankind.