Grant Recipients, 2000-2001
Recipients in the Domestic Region
(in order of application received) | Unit: NT$ |
A. Research Grants
1. Yun-peng
Sun Yat-sen Institute for Social Science and Philosophy, Academia Sinica
Inquiry into the Origin of Development of technology-intensive Industries and
2. Mikhail Kryukov
Tamkang University
A Complex Study of the Hermitage Collection of the Yin Oracle Bone
3. Paul Jen-kuei Li
Institute of Linguistics, Academia Sinica
Formorsan Language Materials by Ogawa and Asai during the Japanese
4. Jianmin Li
Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica
Medicine and the History of the Bodily Experience
5. Chee-beng Tang
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Lineage, Migration and Chinese Networks:A Study of Emigrant
6. Shaoguang Wang
Chinese University of Hong Kong
Associational Revolution in China
B. Database Grants
1. Chin-Yi
Institute of Economics, Academia Sinica
Panel Study of Chinese Family Dynamics-Data Collection
2. Jung Bor-sheng
Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica
Database if Bronze Images with Internet Application
3. National Institute of Arts
Bhikkhu Huimin
The Study and Creation of Taiwanese Buddhist Digital
C. Conferences, Workshops and Seminars
1. Been-huang Chiang
National Taiwan University
The 7th Symposium on Chinese Dietary Culture
D. Publication Subventions
1. Chinese University of Hong Kong
Eva Hung
City Women: Selected Stories by Contemporary Taiwan Women
2. National Chung Cheng University
Ya-chou Chuang
First Volume of the Chinese Fiction by Japanese Authors Series
3. Soochow University
Meei-yau Wei
Virtual Missiles: Allusions and Metaphors Used in Taiwan Political
Recipients in the American Region
(in order of application received) | Unit: US$ |
A. Research Grants
1. Taunya Banks
University of Maryland, School of Law
The Work of Chinese interpreters From Baltimore From 1904-1934
2. Alfred Chan
University of Western Ontario
Power and Policy in Mao's "Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution," 1966- 1976
3. Adrain Hsia
McGill University
The Concept of China of European Thinkers: 17th- 20th Centuries
4. Xiaobo Hu
Clemson University
Transformation of Property Rights in China: Urban Versus Rural Enterprises
5. Daniel Lai
University of Calgary
Impact of Culture on Health of Chinese Seniors: An International Comparison
6. Emerson Niou
Duke University
US Commitment to Taiwan and South Korea: Change and Continuity in the Post-Cold War Era
7. George Slotsve
Northern Illinois University
An Investigation of the Distribution of Income in Taiwan: 1978-1999
8. Hoyt Tillman
Arizona State University
Culture and Contested Boundaries: Interactions and Consequences in China (900-1300)
9. T. Y. Wang
Illinois State University
Taiwanese Identity vs."One China" Principle: Is There a Solution Acceptable to Taiwan's Citizens?
B. Conferences, Seminars, Workshops
1. George Chen
Association of Chinese Social Scientists in North America
Taiwan Entering the 21st Century: Society, Politics and the Challenge of A New Administration
2. Yungdeh Richard Chu
Rochester Institute of Technology
Sino-Japanese Relations during the Republican Period: Japanese Aggressions in China, 1931-1945
3. Bernie Frolic
University of Toronto/York University Joint Centre for AP Studies
Democracy, Globalization, and Identity Conflicts in Asia
4. Bryna Goodman
University of Oregon
Gender in Motion: Divisions of Labor and Cultural Change in Late Imperial and Modern China
5. Chien-Juh Gu
University of Washington
The 2001 North American Taiwan Studies Association Annual Conference
6. Ken-ichi Takashima
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada
The Fourth International Conference on Classical Chinese Grammar
7. Constantine Tung
The Historical, Fictional, Theatrical and Artistic Three Kingdoms: A Sino-American Colloquium
8. Angela Zito
New York University
Stage One of Redefining China Studies: Globalization & History "How does the 21st Century Speak to its Own Past? A Workshop on One State of China Studies Now
C. Publication Subsidies
1. Columbia University Press
Victor H. Mair
The Columbia History of Chinese Literature
2. University of British Columbia Press
Emily Andrew
Chinese Democracy after Tiananmen by Yijiang Ding
3. University of British Columbia Press
Emily Andrew
The Scars of War: The Impact of Warfare on Modern China edited by Diana Lary and Stephen MacKinnon
4. University of California Press
Reed Malcolm
To Live as Long as Heaven and Earth: A Critical, Annotated Translation and Study of Ge Hong's Traditions of Divine Transcendents by Robert Ford Company
5. University of California Press
Phillip Trimple
Rethinking Confucianism: Past and Present in China, Japan, Korea, and Vietnam
6. University of Chicago Press
Susan Bielstein
Ordinary Images, by Stanley Abe.
D. Travel Grants
1. Padraig Carmody
University of Vermont
The Globalization of Industrial Restructuring
2. Tun-jen Cheng
College of William and Mary
Strategic Voting, the Third Party and a Non- Durvergerian Outcome: The March 2000 Election in Historical and Comparative Perspectives
3. Lucille Chia
University of California/Riverside
"Text and Tu: Reading the Illustrated Page" Paper to be Presented at the European and North American Exchanges in East Asian Studies Conference (Paris, Sept. 3-5, 2001)
4. Lothar von Falkenhausen
University of California/Los Angeles
"From Action to Image: Narrative Depiction in Early China and its Cultural Background: to be Presented at the European and North American Exchanges in East Asian Studies Conference
5. Claudio Cioffi-Revilla
University of Colorado/Boulder
"The Second International System: China and East Asia, 5000 B.C. to 221 B.C."
6. Hoyt Tillman
Arizona State University
"Chu Hsi on Kuei-shen" paper to be Delivered in Chinese at the Chu Hsi Conference in Shanghai, October 8-10, 2000
7. Wen-hui Tsai
Indiana-Purdue University/Fort Wayne
Presenting a Paper Entitled,"Economic Development as a Force for Improving Women's Status in China and Taiwan"
8. Griet Vankeerberghen
California State Polytechnic University
The Chronological Tables in Sima Qian's Shi Ji
9. Q. Edward Wang
Rowan University
Toward a Humanist Interpretation of Tradition: The Hermeneutics of the "Critical Review Group" (Xueheng pai)
E. Fellowships for Scholars
1. David Johnson
University of California/Berkeley
The Great Temple Festivals of South- eastern Shanxi in Late Imperial Times
2. Nancy Steinhardt
Univeristy of Pennsylvania
Chinese Architecture of the 3rd through 6th Centuries
3. Jack F. Williams
Michigan State University
The Geography of Taiwan's Environmental Struggle
4. Lillian M. Li
Swarthmore College
Commerce, Class, and Culture: A Social History of Chinese Merchants in the Early Modern Period
5. W. Robert Connor
National Humanities Center
6. Ralph A. Thaxton
Brandeis University
Beyond Redemption: Memory, Voice, and Resistance in the Aftermath of China's Great Leap Famine, with Special Reference to the Crisis of State Legitimacy in Qian Foji
F. Walter Judd Grant
1. Ching Kwan Lee
University of Michigan
Laboring in the Twilight of Socialism: Working Class Politics in the Chinese Reform
G. Dissertation Fellowships
1. Barbara Buhr
University of Virginia
A Translation and Analysis of ZhuHong's (1535- 1615) Wangshengji and its Role in the Buddhist Community in the Late-Ming Dynasty
2. Marcia Butler
Cornell University
Ritual Refractions of a Military Medium Omen, Ritual and Prognostication in 11th and 12th Century Chinese Military Manuals
3. Jack Chen
Harvard University
T'ang T'ai-tsung and the Poetics of Sovereignty
4. Julie Chu
New York University
Cosmologies of Credit: Understanding Fuzhounese Migration Through Exchange Theory
5. David James Davies
University of Washington
Remembering the Cultural Revolution: Personal and Social Memories of China's Red Guard Generation
6. Kenneth Foster
University of California at Berkeley
Association and the State in Contemporary Mainland China: The Emergence of New Forms of State-Society Engagement
7. Emily Hartman
University of Chicago
The Baoding Military Academy
8. Jeffrey Hou
University of California/Berkeley
Between Protest and Planning: Transformation of Citizen Activism and Discourse of Planning in Taiwan
9. Grace Huang
University of Chicago
The Evolution of a Leader: Agency, Structure, & Concepts of Self from Chiang's Daily Writings (1924-1949)
10. Mark Jacobs
Cornell University
A Comparative Study of Market Transition in China- The Relation of Changes in TVE Property Rights to TVEs in Jiangsu and Zhejiang
11. Isabella Notar
Boston University
The Diffusion of Clean Air Technology Among Leading PRC Automobile Manufacturers
12. Vanessa M. Sterling
University of Pittsburgh
The Force of Common Blood: The Korean Community and Ethnic Politics in Northeast China, 1920-1998
13. William C. Wooldridge
Princeton University
The Transformation of State Ritual in Nineteenth- Century Nanking
H. Postdoctoral Fellowships
1. Avron Boretz
University of Texas at Austin
Masculinity, Identity and Violence in Contemporary Taiwanese Society
2. Phillip Clart
University of Missouri at Columbia
The Story of Han Xiangzi: Daoism and Popular Literature in Late Imperial China
3. Xiaogang Deng
University of Massachusetts at Boston
Comparing Shame and Deviant Behavior in the Cross- Cultural Context
4. Amy Dooling
Connecticut College
Women's Literary Feminism in Modern China
5. Martin Huang
University of California at Irvine
The Need to Continue: The Xushu (Sequel) in the History of Chinese Fiction
6. Joan Judge
University of California at Santa Barbara
China's "Women's Question": Female Literacy, Cultural Transformation, and Modern Nationalism, (1890-1918)
7. Yun Kuen Lee
Harvard University
Segmentary Kinship Organization of Yangshao China
8. I-Fen Lin
Bowling Green State University
Giving between Generations in Taiwanese Families
9. Wing Chung Ng
University of Texas at San Antonio
Regional Theater, Transnational Arena: Cantonese Opera and Social Change in Modern South China, ca. 1860s-1945
10. Sophie Volpp
University of California at Davis
Wordly Stage: Simulation and Spectacle in Seventeenth-Century China
I. CCK Fellowships Administered by the Canadian Association for Asian Studies
1. Youngchun Cai
University of Toronto
Dissertation Fellowship
Postmodernist Intervention: The Counter Paradigmatic Discourse in Avant-Garde Chinese Literature
2. Norman Dennis Smith
University of British Columbia
Wielding Pens as Swords: Manchurian Women Writers and the Japanese Occupation, 1937-1945
3. Der-yuan Wu
University of Toronto/York University Joint Centre
Postdoctoral Fellowship
The NGOs in Canadian Foreign Policy Communities: Implications for Taiwan’s Adaptability
J. R.O.C. PhD Dissertation Fellowships
1. Dong-shin Chang
New York University
Dramatizing China in London, Paris and New York, 1673-1912
2. Pao-li Chang
University of Michigan
A Theoretical Model of the GATT/WTO Dispute Settlement Mechanism
3. Ching-wen Chao
Stanford University
"Moksa" - Requiem to the Victims of the 9/21 Earthquake
4. Chun-Fu Chen
Northwestern University
Social Construction and Media Consumption of "Japan Fever" Youth Culture--The Adoring Audiences of Japanese Television Programs in Taiwan
5. Chun-yen Chen
Cornell University
Writing (the Impossible) Community in the Post-Colonial Condition: Contemporary Taiwan and Post-colonial Anglophone Literature
6. Ju-chen Chen
Rutgers University
Transnational Media Technologies and the Making of Identities in Postsocialist China
7. Jyh-jia Chen
University of Wisconsin at Madison
The Politics of Textbook Deregulation Policy in Taiwan, 1989 -2001
8. Pei-yao Chen
City University of New York
The "Isolation" of New York City Chinatown: An Historical Approach to a Chinese Community in the United States
9. Hsiao-wei Chien
Columbia University
Human Nature and the Liberal-Communitarian Debate
10. Hung-ken Chien
Stanford University
Essays on Internet Auctions
11. Ping-hsuan Fung
University of California at Davis
Three Essays on Exporting, Firm Turnover and Productivity Growth
12. Guo-juin Hong
University of California at Berkeley
Cinematographs of History: Shanghai Cinema in the 30's and 40's and Taiwanese Cinema from 1982 Onward
13. Shaw-wu Jung
New School for Social Research
Law, State and Community: An Ethnographic Study of Land Problems by the 921 Earthquake in Dongshih, Taichung, Taiwan
14. Nai-kuang Ku
University of Southern California
The Constructive Commons to Bandura's Multidimensional Self- Efficacy Scale and Michael's DOSC for a Chinese Version
15. Hsiu-chuan Liao
University of Hawaii at Manoa
Transitivity and Ergativity in Formosan Languages
16. Su-hsing Lin
Ohio State University
Feng Zikai and the Kaiming Bookstore
17. Hung-En Liu
Stanford University
Mother or Father: Who Received Custody?--The Best Interests of the Child Stanford and Judges, Custody Decisions in Taiwan
18. Jhy-ching Liu
University of Wisconsin at Madison
Establishing Build-Operate-Transfer (BOT) Legal Institutions in Developing Countries- A Critical Analysis of BOT Legal Issues in Taiwan
19. Chen-yuan Tung
Johns Hopkins University
China's Economic Leverage and Taiwan's Security Concerns with Respect to Cross-Strait Economic Relations
20. Wen-chi Tzeng
University of California at San Francisco
A Study of Cultural Influences on Persons with Suicide- Related Behaviors in Taiwan
K. Special Project Grants
1. Association for Asian Studies
Robert Paul Weller
CIAC Small Grants Program
2. University of Virginia
Philip Zelikow
The Shao-Chuan Leng Fellowship in East Asian Affairs
Recipients in the European Region
(in order of application received) |
A. Institutional Enhancement
1. University of Copenhagen
Leif Littrup
Development of a Study Programme in Modern Chinese Language and Cultures, with an Understanding of the Geographical, Cultural, Economic, and Political Diversities of the Chinese World with Particular Emphasis on Taiwan and Taiwan Strait Relations
2. University of Heidelberg
Rudolf G. Wagner
Development of an Internet-Accessible Version of the Analytical Dictionary of Classical Chinese Synonyms, Synonyma Serica Comparata
3. University of London
Robert Ash
Proposed Institutional Initiative to Establish a European Network of Taiwan Studies
B. Research Grants
1. John Lagerwey
Ecole Francaise d'Extreme-Orient
Religion, Architecture, and the Economy in Southeast China
2. Alexander I. Petrov
Russian Academy of Sciences
History of the Chinese in Russia 1858~2003
3. Vibeke Bordahl
Nordic Institute of Asian Studies
Large-scale Registration of Chinese Storytelling
C. Conferences, Seminars, Workshops
1. Shane McCausland
Percival David Foundation of Chinese Art
The Admonitions Scroll: Ideals of Etiquette, Art & Empire from Early China
2. Laurent Sagart
Centre de Recherches Linguistiques sur L'Asie Orientale
Perspectives on the Phylogeny of East Asian Languages: Genetics, Archaeology and Linguistics
3. Susanne Weigelin-Schwiedrzik
University of Heidelberg
Conference on Modern Chinese Historiography and Historical Thinking
D. Dissertation Fellowships
1. Caroline Bodolec
Conservatoire National des Arts et Metiers
The Vault in Chinese Civil Architecture: Anthropology and Building Engineering of the Wuliang dian and the Yaodong (XVth-XIXth Centuries)
2. Gregoire Espesset
University of Paris 7-Denis Diderot
Thoroughly Analyzing for the First Time the Ideology of China's Earliest Taoist Scripture: Three Functions' and "Triadic Thought" in the "Book of Great Peace" (T'ai-p'ing ching 太平經)
3. Martin Gieselmann
University of Heidelberg
Between Entering the International Stage and Serving Local Markets-Chinese Cinema(s) from the PRC, Hong Kong and Taiwan between 1979 and 1999
4. Giulia Kado
Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes
Political Violence, A Linguistic Study of the Political Thought of Han Fei in the Hanfeizi
5. Hsiao-yun Kung
University of Heidelberg
From Modernity to Tradition. Jiang Wenye (Chiang Wen-yeh) and His Musical Creation
6. Mark Antoine Leenhouts
Leiden University
Leaving the World to Enter the World: Han Shaogong and Root-seeking Literature
7. Fang-long Shih
University of London
The Pollution/Marginalization of Maidenhood: Maiden-Death Taboos and Corrective Practices in the Holo-Chinese Religious Culture of Taiwan
8. Delphine Spicq
University of Paris 7-Denis Diderot
Water in the City: Tianjin 1900-1949 An Analysis of the Beginning and the Development of the Water Supply
9. Suey-ling Tsai
University of Heidelberg
From Devotion to Entertainment: Book Illustrations of the Life of the Buddha in East Asia
10. Su-fen You
University of Warwick
Medical Dominance: A Case Study of the Health Care Reforms in Taiwan
E. Postdoctoral Fellowships
1. Paola Calanca
College de France
Chinese Navy between 16th and Early 19th Centuries
2. Pei-yin Lin
University of London
Memory, Nation and Native Soil: Contemporary Chinese Fiction from Taiwan
3. Maria Rohrer
University of Tubingen
Fiction or Reality? The Fifty Palace Poems of Empress Yang (1162-1232 AD) and the Tradition of Court Poetry from Han to the Ming Dynasties
4. Masayuki Sato
Leiden University
The Chinese Origin of Theory of Statecraft: A Study on the Political Thought of Han Fei Zi
5. Monica De Togni
Ca' Foscari University in Venice
Self-government Policy and the Society: Influences of Descent Organizations on the Local Assemblies in Sichuan (Late Qing-Early Republic)
6. Bing Zhao
Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique
The Private Kilns in Jiangxi in the Song Period: For a Social History of Ceramics Production
F. Special Projects
Charles University
CCK-ISC Annual Budget
Recipients in the Asia-Pacific Region
(in order of application received) | Unit: US$ |
A. Institutional Enhancement Grants
1. Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhon Anthropology Centre
Khunying Khaisri Sri-Aroon
Establishing the Chinese Studies Literature Materials in the Library of the Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn Anthropology Centre
B. Research Grants
1. Robert B. Albritton
King Prajadhipok's Institute
Comparative Survey of Democratization and Value Change in East Asia: Thailand
2. Cheng Hai Chew
Nanyang Technological University
A Comparative Lexicology Study on Southern Min Dialect
3. Mark D. Elvin
Australian National University
Atlas of Population Dynamics in China from 1600~1850 Subdivided by Period. And County or Prefecture
4. Chongyi Feng
University of Technology, Sydney
From Uniformity to Pluralism: Intellectual Trends in China since 1949
5. Woosang Kim
Yonsei University
East Asian Regional Security Order, the Republic of Korea and the Republic of China: Strategic Calculus and Options for Collaboration
6. Jin-young Suh
Korea University
China & East Asia: A Critical Assessment at the Dawn of New Millennium
7. Nicholas Tapp
Australian National University
Communal Diasporic Voluntary Public Cultures: Hmong Transnationalism in Asia and Overseas
C. Conferences, Seminars and Workshops
1. Stanislaus Fung
University of New South Wales
Conference on an Anthology of Texts on Chinese Gardens
2. Cordia Chu
Griffith University
International Conference on Middle Class Chinese Migrants in Asia-Pacific Rim: Settlement, Needs and Dilemmas
3. Yuan-fang Shen
Australian National University
"Migrating Identities and Ethnic Minorities in Chinese Diaspora"--Centre for the Study of the Chinese Southern Diaspora (CSCSD) International Conference 2001
4. S. N. Eisenstadt
Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities
International Workshop on Axial Transformation
D. Publication Subsidies
1. 韓國觀光大學