Grant Recipients, 1995-1996
Recipients in the Domestic Region
(in order of application received) | Unit: NT$ |
A. Research Grants
1. Paul But
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Research and Development of a Standard Set of Subject Headings for Indexing and Searching Information in Database of Traditional Chinese Medicine Literture
2. Wei-an Chang
National Tsing Hua University
Commodity Chains and Embedded Networks: The Global Networks of Taiwan's if Taiwan's Semiconductor Industry
3. Chujoe Hsia
National Taiwan University
Transnational Networks of Overseas Chinese Entrepreneurs and Local Chinese Bureaucrats in China's Urban Development
4. Dennis T.C. Tang
Sun Yat-Sen Institute for Social Sciences and Philosophy, Academia Sinica
Trade & Environment in the New World Market: Building Opportunities and Overcoming Challenges for Taiwan
5. Isabelle Thireau
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
New Forms of Equity on Mainland China
6. Cheng-hwa Tsang
Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica
The International Consortium for the Conservation of the Chinese Archaeology Collections
7. Wen-yu Wang
National Taiwan University
A Comparative Study on the Legal Regime Governing Taiwan's Asia-pacific Financial Center and Regulations Governing International Finance
8. Ming-ling Yu
Institute of Modern History, Academia Sinica
The Relations among the Kuomingtang, the Chinese Communist Party and the Comintern, 1920-1940
B. Conferences, Seminars and Workshops
1. The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Kwok Keung Lau
Conference on University General Education in Chinese Context
2. Taipei Medical School
Ying-kuen Yeh
Life Stress, Social Support and Mental Health: Cross-Cultural Perspectives
C. Database Grants
1. Heng-ching Hsih
National Taiwan University
Buddhist Bibliographical Database for Internet
2. Muk-miu Lee
New Asia Institute of Advanced Chinese Studies
Collection of Historical Materials for the Study on the Yung's Enterprise Group, 1896-1956
3. Suet-kwan Lo
New Asia Institute of Advanced Chinese Studies
Collection Record and Regulation of Professor Mou Tsang-san's Lectures
4. Chi-chuen Tseng
Center for Chinese Studies
International Directory of Chinese Studies for Internet
5. Tsui-hua Yang
Institute of Modern History, Academia Sinica
Interview and Collection of the Archival Materials of The ROC Committee for Scientific and Scholarly Cooperation with the United States, Academia Sinica
D. Distinguished Lectureship Grant
1. Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica, Cheng-sheng Tu
Gerard Diffloth
2. National Taiwan University, Wei-ying Kou
Kwang-Ching Liu
E. Publication Subsidy
1. Computational Linguistics Society of the ROC
Chu-jen Huang
Readings in Chinese Natural Language Processing
Recipients in the American Region
(in order of application received) | Unit: US$ |
A. Institutional Enhancement Grants
1. Columbia University
Irene Bloom
Professor Wing-Tsit Chan Memorial Lectures
2. Columbia University
Randle Edwards
Chinese Legal Reform: Taiwan, mainland China, and U.S. Cooperative Program
3. Kalamazoo College
Madeline Chu
Chinese History and Language Program Development
4. University of Costa Rica
Willy Soto Acosta
Creation of a Master's Degree in Social Scienceswith Emphasis on the Political, Diplomatical, Culturaland Business Ties between Taiwan and Central American Countries
5. University of Pittsburgh
Evelyn Rawski
Explanations from the Past: Continuity and Change inContemporary Chinese Culture in the Undergraduate Curriculum
B. Research Grants
1. Gary K. Bertsch
University of Georgia
Nonproliferation Export Controls: US-ROC Interests and Initiatives
2. Yanjie Bian
University of Minnesota
A Socioeconomic Index of Chinese Occupations
3. Sung-sheng Yvonne Chang
University of Texas at Austin
Study of Recent Cultural Development in Taiwan (mid-1970s to mid-1990s)
4. Chung Chen
Syracuse University
Measurements of Regional Economic Development in Greater Chinese Economic Region and Their Implications to Future Developments
5. Hugh R. Clark
Ursinus College
Social Structures, Migration, and Overseas Trade in The History of South Coastal Fu-chien (Minnan), 200 c.e.-1900 c.e. (renewal)
6. Robert Gardella
United States Merchant Marine Academy
The Relationship Between the Chinese Maritime Customs Service
7. J. Megan Greene
Gettysburg College
Centralizing Research: A History of Academia Sinica
8. Kingsley E. Haynes
George Mason University
Proposal to Evaluate the Role of the Port of Kaohsiung as Part of Taiwan's Regional Operations Center Strategy
9. Matin L. Lasater
George Washington University
Taiwan's Security in the Post-Deng Era
10. John Lie
University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign
Sociology of Taiwanese Development
11. Mark McClellan
Stanford University
Health Economics Study of Taiwan
12. Marjorie McElroy
Duke University
Fertility, Family Behavior, and Welfare: Mainland China's One-child Policy
13. Randall L. Nadeau
Trinity University
Chinese Religions: The State of the Field in Chinese Scholarship
14. Susan Naquin
Princeton University
International Union Catalog of Chinese Rare Books
15. Edward A. Olsen
Naval Postgraduate School
The Role of Taiwan in Asian Multilateral Security: Toward the 21st Century
16. George Quester
University of Maryland at College Park
Future American Attitudes on the Security of the Republic of China
17. Lee Rainey
Memorial University of Newfoundland
Music, Ritual, and Dance in Classical Confucianism
18. Harold D. Roth
Brown University
A Complete Translation of the Huai-nan Tzu
19. Justin Tan
California State University at San Marcos
Characteristics of Political Environment and Impact on Entrepreneurial Strategic Orientations in Taiwan and PRC: A Comparative Study
20. Shui-yan Tang
University of Southern California
Interest Distributions, Institutions, and Environmental Politics in Taiwan
21. Paul Michael Taylor
National Museum of Natural History
Preservation and Research on Chinese Papers and Papermaking Technology at the Smithsonian Institution
22. Yung-mei Tsai
Texas Tech University
A Five-Wave Panel Follow-up Study of Poverty in Taiwan
23. Denis Twitchett
Princeton University
Completion and Editing of volume 2,4, and 5 of the Cambridge History of China
24. William S. Y. Wang
University of California at Berkeley
The Yaos of South ChinaL Languages and Peoples
25. T. Y. Wang
Illinois State University
Explaining Clinton's Taiwan Policy
26. Angela Zito
Columbia University
Filality and Feminine/Masculine Difference in 17th and 18th Century China
C. Conferences, Seminars, Workshops
1. Larry I. Bland
George Marshall Foundation
George C. Marshall and the China Tangle, 1945-1949
2. Barbara Entwisle
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
A Conference: Gender, Households, and the Boundaries of Work in China
3. C. T. James Huang
Linguistics Society of America
Summer Institute of Chinese Linguistics
4. William Kirby
Harvard University
Taiwan Studies Workshop
5. Benjamin Lee
Rice University
Language, Culture, and the Disciplines: Internationalizing Chinese Studies
6. Jih-wen Lin
Preparatory Council for 96' NA Taiwan Studies Conference
The 1996 North America Taiwan Studies Conference
7. Emerson M. S. Niou
Duke University
Democratic Institution in East Asia: A Conference Proposal
8. Kenneth Prewitt
Social Science Research Council
Flexible Production in East Asia
9. Alfred D. Wilhelm
Atlantic Council of the United States
China 2010:The Role of Law and Prospects forInstitutionalizing Change
10. J. Keith Wilson
Cleveland Museum of Art
A Chinese Sense of Place
D. Publication Subsidies
1. Duke University Press
Valerie Millholland
Fruitful Sites: Garden Culture in Ming Dynasty China
2. National Humanities Center
W. Robert Connor
Identity: Personal, Cultural, and National
3. Princeton University Press
Deborah Malmud
The T'ang Code: Volume 2 (General Principles)
4. The Society for the Study of Early China
David N. Keightley
New Sources of Early Chinese History: An Introduction to the Reading of Paleographic Documents," edited by Edward L. Shaughnessy
5. Stanford University Press
John R. Ziemer
Ellen Widmer and Kang-I Sun Chang, eds., Writing Women in Late Imperial China
6. Stanford University Press
John R. Ziemer
David Der-wei Wang, Fin-de-Siecle Splendor: Repressed Modernities of Late Qing Fiction,1848-1911
7. Stanford University Press
John R. Ziemer
Mencius and Early Chinese Thought, by Kwong-loi Shun
8. University of Hawaii Press
Patricia Crosby
Liao Architecture
E. Senior Scholar Grants
1. Chu-yuan Cheng
Ball State University
Township-village Enterprises: China’s New Route to Industrialization
2. C. T. James Huang
University of California at Irvine
Research and Writing on Chinese Syntax and Semantics
3. Jeffrey C. Kinkley
St. John's University
Modern Chinese Writing About Crime
4. Philip A. Kuhn
Harvard University
Chinese Emigration in Modern Times
5. Tsu-Lin Mei
Cornell University
A Brief History of the Wu and Min Dialects
6. Robin D.S. Yates
McGill University
Science and Civilization in China:The Role of MilitaryTechnology and Organizaiton in Chinese Society and Religionin Comparative Perspective
F. Dissertation Fellowships
1. Bonnie Adrian
Yale University
Sexuality and Divorce in Modern Taiwan: A Cultural History of Infidelity
2. James A. Anderson
University of Washington
A Special Relationship: 10th-13th Century Sino-Vietnamese Tribute Relations and the Traditional Chinese Notion of World Order
3. Ellen V. Fuller
Stanford University
Gender and Authority: Women as Business Executives and School Administrators in Japan and Taiwan
4. John C. Hamm
University of California at Berkeley
The Common Language of Chinese Around the World: Jin Yong's Chivalric Fiction and Its Circulation Through Greater China
5. Eugenio Menegon
University of California at Berkeley
A Social History of the Chinese Rites Controversy (1632-1844)
6. Ruth A. Mostern
University of California at Berkeley
Paddies and Prefectures: The Creation of Bounded Territory in China During the Song Era
7. Hajime Nakatani
University of Chicago
Visualizing the Mind in Late Imperial China: The Hermeneutics of Appearance in Physiognomics and Portraiture
8. Rebecca A. Nedostup
Columbia University
Belief, Ritual, and Making Modernity during the Nanjing Period
9. Stephen P. Udry
University of Washington
Manchu Shamanism in Qing China (1644-1911)
10. Paul A. Van Dyke
University of Southern California
Sino-Dutch Trade in the Early Modern World: Taiwan in the 1630s and Canton in the 1730s and 1780s
11. Hilde G de Weerdt
Harvard University
Writing for and about the Civil Service Examinations in the Late Southern Song Dynasty
G. Postdoctoral Fellowships
1. Linsun Cheng
University of Massachusetts / Dartmouth
Enterpreneurship, Professional Managers and the Development of Modern Chinese Banks in the Republican Era
2. Joan E. Judge
University of Utah
Culture, Eading, and "The People" in Late Qing China
3. Paul W. Kroll
University of Colorado at Boulder
Divine Songs and Verse Revelations in Medieval China
4. Jerry Norman
University of Washington
A Comparative Study of the Min Dialects
5. Louis Putterman
Brown University
Wages and Productivity in China's Industry Under Reform
6. Gary W. Seaman
University of Southern California
A Computer Interactive Study of the Rite of Cosmic Renewal in Puli, Taiwan, ROC 1972-1996
7. Shu-mei Shih
University of California at Los Angeles
The National and the Transnational Contemporary Cultural Production in Taiwan
H. CCKF Fellowships Administered by the Canadian Association for Asian Studies
1. Andre Laliberte
University of British Columbia
Dissertation Fellowship
The KMT and Religious Organizations in Taiwan: From State to Societal Corporatism
2. Xiaoping Li
York University
Postdoctoral Fellowship
Clothing Behaviour and Social Transformation in 20th Century China
3. Andrew Martin
University of British Columbia
Postdoctoral Fellowship
Institutional Structures, Transactional Networks, and Rural Industrialization in Taiwan
I. Walter Judd Grant
1. Peter Li
Rutgers University
Identity and Nationhood: the Art and Politics of Lao She (1899-1966)
J. R.O.C. PhD Dissertation Fellowships
1. Che-chia Chang
University of Pennsylvania
An Equilibrium Institionalized-- Imperial patient- Practitioner relationship in the Era of Empress Dowager Cixi (1874-1908)
2. Ssu-ming Fisher Chang
University of Maryland at College Park
Evaluating the Impact of Mandatory Work Programs on Two-Parent Welfare Caseloads
3. Wen-chih Chang
Univeriste Laval
Corporeal Realization of Religion in Taiwan
4. Li-tsu Chen
Indiana University
A Critical Examination of Cultural Influences on Children's Drawings from Mid-western United States and Taiwan
5. Yiing Jenq Chou
Harvard University
Health Uncertainty & Precautionary Saving
6. Tzu-shiow Chuang
University of Alabama
Entrapment and Agency in the Novels of Madame de Charriere
7. Huey-ling Fan
University of Georgia
A Firmative Experiment to investigate the Processes of Seventh Graders' Multimedia Projects
8. Yin-feng Gau
University of California at San Diego
Heteroscedastic Volatility in Foreign Exchange Rates
9. Chia-yang Hueng
University of Wisconsin at Madison
The Impact of Foreign Variables on Domestic Money Demand and its Implications for Monetary Policies
10. Hsiang-lin Lei
University of Chicago
When Chinese Medicine Encountered the State: 1900-1949
11. Ching-yi Liu
University of Chicago
State, Law-making and the Internet: The Role of Government Regulations in the Emerging Global Information Superhighway Age
12. Chien Yi Lu
University of Texas at Austin
The Impact of Regional Integration on Policy Coordination -The Case of Migration PolicyCoordination in the European Union
13. Su-jei Own
University of Wisconsin at Madison
The Elucidation of Buddha's Omniscience
14. Yifeng Tao
Columbia University
Politics of China's Integration into the World Economy
15. Chung-min Tu
University of Georgia
The World of Becoming: A Deleuzean Explication of Middle Way in Chinese Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism
16. Fang Wang
University of Chicago
Support for the New Welfare State:The Structural Determinants of Public Attitude toward Social Welfare in Taiwan
17. Chia-ling Wu
University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign
Medicalization of Childbirth in Taiwan: Biomedical and Sociocultural Impacts
18. Chung-li Wu
University of New Orleans
Taiwan Political Parties: Social Change and Political Response
19. Hsiu-I Yang
Stanford University
Promoting Quality, Preventing Malpractice, & Resolving Medical Dispute in Taiwan: Is No-Fault Liability a Solution?
20. Chao Hsing Yeh
University of Massachusetts at Worcester
Determinants of Behavioral Intention and Actual Behavior in the Prevention of AIDS/HIV in Chinese College Students
Recipients in the European Region
(in order of application received) |
A. Institutional Enhancement Grants
1. National Museum of Applied Arts
Maria Ferenczy
Acquisition of Chinese Books to the Museum's Library for the Support of the Study and the Publication of the Chinese Collection in the Ferenc HOPP Museum of Eastern Asiatic Arts, Budapest
2. University of Heidelberg
Rudolf G. Wagner
Conference on Chinese Historiography
3. University of London
Sue Swee Chin Small
Cataloguing and Conservation of the Robert Morrison Collection of Chinese Books
B. Research Grants
1. Hing-ho Chan
Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique
Etude et Publication des Romans Coreens Ecrits en Chinois
2. Christopher Cullen
Needham Research Institute
The First Narcotic: Confronting Opium in Late Imperial China (Pilot Project)
3. Jean-Pierre Drege
Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes
Database of Chinese Rubbings in European Collections
4. Ladislav Kesner
National Gallery
Cataloguing of Early Chinese Painting Collection in the National Gallery, Praque
5. Monika Ubelhor
Philipps-University Marburg
The Role of Literature in the Search for Cultural Identity at a Time of Challenge and Transition as Reflected in Hsiao-shuo Yueh-pao(Fiction Monthly), 1910~1915
C. Conferences, Seminars, Workshops
1. Dolors Folch
University Pompeu Fabra
China and the Outer World
2. Wolfgang Kubin
University of Bonn
Zhu Guang-qian, Zong Bai-hua and Chinese Aesthetics Moving Towards the 21st Century
3. Christian Lamouroux
Ecole Francaise d'Extreme-Orient
Local Ritual, Music, and Theater in Their Social Context
4. Hans van de Ven
University of Cambridge
Military Thought and Practice in China
D. Publication Subventions
1. Ruhr-Universitat Bochum
Diethelm Hofstra
Qian Mu: Reflections on History and Culture
2. University of London
Roderick Whitfield
Publication of a Volume of Papers on New Discoveries and Studies in Chinese Archaeology
3. Russian Academy of Sciences
Leonid S. Vasiliev
Ancient China, vol 2, Ch'un Ch'iu China
E. Dissertation Fellowships
1. Elisabeth Alles
Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales
The Forms of Hui Identity Today in China
2. Gu Xin
Leiden University
Towards the New Institutional Pluralism: The Chinese Intellectual Group Life in the Changing Relationship between State and Society (1978-1989)
3. Elisabeth Koll
Oxford University
The Capital of Trust and Reputation: Zhang Jian (1853-1926) and His Business in Nantong
4. Valerie Lavoix
Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes
A Historian and Critic of Chinese Ancient Poetry, Liu Hsieh (ca 465-ca 521), Author of Wen-hsin Tiao-long
5. Tatoana Vinogradova
Institute of Oriental Studies, St. Petersburg
Beijing Musical Drama Zajiu on the Chinese Theatre Popular Prints Nianhua
F. Postdoctoral Fellowships
1. Cai Hua
Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales
The Visit System in Three Matrilineal Societies: A comparative Study
2. Beatrice David
Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique
Diversity and Unity among the Han Ethnic Group, Culture of Lingnan: An Anthropological Study of Local Subgroups of Han in Guangxi
3. Franz-Rudolph Schmidt
University of Gottingen
A History of Amazement: Amazement and Doubt in the Works of Pre-Sui Times (220-589) Natural History
4. Martin Svensson
Stockholm University
Divination, Ideology and the Poetic Text: The Development a Literary Hermeneutics in Ancient China
Recipients in the Asia-Pacific Region
(in order of application received) | Unit: US$ |
A. Institutional Enhancement Grants
1. Griffith University
Cordia Chu
Institute of Environment and Health in Developing Asian Societies: The China Program
2. Nanyang Technological University
Cheng Hai Chew
Chinese Book Collection/Senior Teaching Fellow
3. University of Santo Tomas
Roland V. De La Rosa
Creation of a Chair in Chinese
4. University of Western Australia
Beverley Hooper
Lectureship in Chinese Studies
B. Research Grants
1. Aphichat Chamratrithirong
Mahidol University
Demographic--Anthropological Investigation of Migration Process in the Sanxia Dam Inundation Area and Cultural Heritage Preservation Video Documentation Project --Case Studies of ZiGui, Badong, Wushan, Fengjie, Yunyang Countries
2. Kwang-ok Kim
Seoul National University
Economic Activities of Huagiao and Their Socio-Cultural Effects on the Mainland China: An Anthropological Study
3. Chi-kong Lai
University of Queensland
Australian Chinese Business Networks, 1800~2000
4. John Y. Wong
University of Sydney
An Investigation into the British and Other Origins of Dr. Sun Yatsen's Three Principles of the People
C. Conference/Seminar/Workshop Grant
1. Jomo Kwame Soudaram
Institute of Social Analysis
Chinese Business in Southeast Asia
D. Senior Scholar Grant
1. L. R. J. Zwi Werblowsky
Hebrew University of Jerusalem
The de Groot Collection of Religious Iconography(Popular Religious Statuary from Fujian) in the Lyon Museum